With seventeen swimming pools for sixteen houses, this project rehearses an accumulation in height of possible habitable conditions for the generic periphery. The piling up of three paradigmatic models (“garden-home”, “loft” and “bungalow”), make up a section in which the units, all of them different, substitute the determination of “square metres” for the possibilities of “capable volumes”.
Project: 16 experimental luxury homes
Status: Built (2006-08)
Client: Private
Location: Monte del Pilar, Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain
Team: Jacobo García-Germán, Federico García-Germán, Antonio Delgado, Olimpia Merry del Val, Antonio Morales, Luisa Zancada, Mª Prado Fernández, Raúl García, Luciano Cobaleda
Consultants: Santiago Antolín (quantity surveyor)
Builder: Drace
Photographs: Imagen Subliminal
Prizes: 2009 Mies van der Rohe European Union Architecture Prize Selection 2009, New Forms of Collective Housing in Europe Selection 2009, Selected Premios de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Pública 2009, Arquia Selection 2008