This book examines some of the design techniques which, as opposed to the classical definitions of the Modern Movement in XXth Century architecture, arise during the avant-garde of the 60s and assimilated and reconsidered, reach our days as essential tools for the critical and genealogical analyze of our present, without heroism and with opportunistic sense. A set of contemporary techniques of project here called “operational strategies “. The dichotomy between form and organization concepts leads to a periodic oscillation between opposites along the SXX. A critical point of this oscillation is in the 60s, when the idea of program becomes a key component architecture. Contemporary working upon program, its handling, densification, denial and manipulation becomes a line of research that structures this book.
Author: Jacobo García-Germán
Publisher: Nobuko
Year: 2012
ISBN 978-987-584
Prizes: Finalist Concurso Arquitesis 2011, Premio FAD de Pensamiento y Crítica 2013
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