This book belongs to the La Casita Azul cycle, in the chapter devoted to the re-evaluation of Spanish architectural masters from the second halve of the XXth Century. In this context, the figure of Fernando Higueras (1930-2008), presents itself as an unresolved conundrum inasmuch his works and persona have been systematically understated and misread due to paradigmatic and partial readings of a complex oeuvre. The exhibition and book try to overcome this panorama, studying and revisiting the most experimental and exuberant part of his career; his visionary Canary Islands set of works and projects, based around the Ls Salinas Hotel. A whole programme aimed towards a sustainable and hedonistic pragmatic utopia.
Director and editor: Jacobo García-Germán
Publisher: CentroCentro Cibeles / Excmo. Ayto de Madrid
Year: 2015
ISBN 978-84-944300-2-2
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Publisher: Ediciones Asimétricas
Year: 2016
ISBN 978-84-944743-5-3